Program overview: This program provides a holistic perspective on AI, ML, and Blockchain, enhance the adaptability to dynamic technological landscapes, and the ability to gain a competitive edge in the rapidly evolving world of advanced technologies.
For whom: Ideal for IT professionals, software developers, data scientists, tech enthusiasts, senior leadership team members responsible for digital transformation of their business and organization and individuals interested in staying current with emerging technologies.
Areas of learning:
- Smart and intelligent ways to increase and be more efficient in the value chain of the industry you work for.
- Techniques to create such Intelligent systems.
- Get over the hype of AIML and learn the insights
- Block chain fundamentals and practical usages relevant to your industry
Program Content:
- >> Introduction to Data Science and AI & ML
- >> Impacts on Sales/Marketing, Operations and SCM, Finance, People
- >> Techniques and tools for creating intelligent systems.
- >> Basics of deep learning techniques and understanding artificial neural networks
- >> Supervised learning and unsupervised learning methods
- >> Blockchain technology – its usage, its technology, and its challenges
- >> Blockchain applications in SCM, in People organizations, in Finance Ethereum’s Place in Today’s FinTech Ecosystem
Duration and Delivery of the Program:
- >> This program includes [a] 12 sessions each @ 2 hours i.e., 24 hours of faculty conducted sessions and [b] 24 hours of self-paced learning [guided and monitored by the Academy on a regular basis], implying a total involvement of 48 hours which will take place over a period of 2 months.
- >> All 24 hours of faculty conducted sessions will be delivered over 100% LIVE and 2 Way INTERACTIVE Communication [with LIVE Audio and Video streaming] Platform of The Strategy Academy, accessible from ANYWHERE on REALTIME basis OUTSIDE working hours.
- >> Recordings of all sessions will be available for re-visiting the content after each session is over.
- >> Scheduled and guided learning of 24 hours will take place in between faculty conducted sessions and shall include – among others – self-paced learning [viz. study of core and additional reading materials], preparation and submission of individual and group assignments, individual presentations over LIVE Digital platform and virtual syndicate room group discussions outside faculty conducted sessions on cases to be discussed by faculty and finally the program end examination.
Evaluation and Grading:
- >> There will be several areas of evaluation comprising:
- > Level of attendance during sessions conducted by faculty
- > Level of participation during class discussion
- > Case assignment
- > Quiz
- > Program End Exam
- >> An overall evaluation will be made on a relative basis considering performance in above mentioned areas. Each participant will be graded as either Excellent or Good or Average or Fair or Poor depending on his/her overall performance relative to the batch.
- >> A COMPLETION certificate will be issued only if the composite level of attendance and class participation is 60% or above and overall grade is at least Average. Those who will not meet this minimum requirement will be issued a PARTICIPATION Certificate.
- >> Certificate for the program will be issued by The Strategy Academy Centre for Advanced Studies.
Program Fee:
- >> Rs. 15000 plus 18% GST
- >> Group discount and Early bird discount are available
Program Director: The program is designed and directed by Prof Ranjan Das, Professor of Strategy, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Leadership. Prof Das is associated with: IIM Calcutta [ Full time: 1994 – 2014; Visiting: 2014 onwards], The Strategy Academy [2008 onwards], IIM Jammu [2020-24], Xavier Institute of MANAGEMENT Bhubaneswar [2020-24], IIM Ranchi [ Visiting: 2014-15], IIM Trichy [ Visiting: 2014-17], UPH University- Jakarta [Visiting:2014-17], Indian School of Business, Hyderabad [Visiting: 2008-09], and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong [Visiting: 2005-06].